Glute Builder Video SeriesGlute Builder Video Series

Glute Builder Video Series in Brampton

Try Glute Builder Video Series

This is not your average at-home workout video series. Here's what you can expect:

- a warm up, conditioning piece, circuit, and cool down in each ~40 minute video

- thorough coaching on proper form to keep you safe and to ensure you are getting the most out of each exercise

- Kinesiologist approved exercises that are safe for most low backs

- modifications created with a Kinesiologist for injured/painful knees

- multi-level exercise progressions let you repeat workouts with more challenging variations as you get stronger

- suggestions on how to scale the length of each workout while you are building your capacity

- access to the TrainMeFit team for any questions about exercise execution

- lifetime access to the videos

- bigger, stronger glutes and legs, plus a stronger core!

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Suggested equipment includes:

- kettlebell (5-20lbs)

- 2 free weights (5-10lbs)

- light, medium and heavy resistance bands

- Yoga block

This video series is suitable for all fitness levels. Modifications and progressions are provided and the series was created with low back health and safety as a top priority! You will be able to reach out to the TrainMeFit team with questions about exercise executions.

Did you know weak glutes can contribute to low back and knee injuries and pain? Strengthening your glutes isn't just for show - it's one way to keep your body healthy with decreased risk of injuries! That's why this video series was created with the help of a Registered Kinesiologist - to ensure you are improving your health in addition to growing your glutes!

Ready to transform your glutes? At full price your investment works out to $17.77 per workout. But take advantage of our limited Launch Offer today to receive $50 off, meaning you're investing just $15 per workout!

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